Sunday, July 3, 2011

Jewelry from a stranger

Last fall I came home from one day and there was this random guy metal detecting our yard. He had knocked on the door and asked Kyle if he could check it out because our yard was all tilled up. I have always wanted a metal detector. So, I sat outside and talked to Bill while he searched our yard. He found a few coins, and an old toy, but nothing too exciting. Probably because I was bugging him too much to really search :) He showed me some really cool old mining tokens that he had found elsewhere, and we chatted about his funnest finds. It got dark and we told him that we were going to do some more tilling if he wanted to come back.

Our tiller ended up breaking, and the weather turned bad before we were able to get any more done. This spring when we finally got some more tilling done I found out that Kyle had deleted Bill's number from his phone. I was bummed, so I looked online and found one of the treasure hunting clubs that he had talked about. I e-mailed the president, and asked for Bill's number. I didn't have a chance to call him that day, but Bill called Kyle and said he had heard that we had tilled. He set up a time to come back over. He told Kyle that he had a surprise for me, but not to tell me what it was. I was within hearing distance of Kyle, so it drove me crazy not knowing what my "surprise" was. I was dreaming that he decided to give me his metal detector, or something outrageous.

Finally the day came when Bill came to search our yard again. He said that he was bringing the president of the metal detecting club with him. When I answered the door that night I saw Bill standing there with my 7th grade science teacher. Bill pulled out of his pocket my surprise. He had found a ring in our yard the last time he was here and had it all cleaned up and polished for me. He even had it in a little ring box. It was so sweet of him to give me his find. Addie is particularly in love with the ring. I don't remember the names of the stones, and Mr. Monson joked that he could go over minerals and gems with me if he needed to. Some other club members ended up coming over that night to search our yard. I'm sure our neighbors were wondering what the heck was going on with about a dozen people swarming our yard with their equipment.

Eventually I will buy some equipment and do my own treasure hunting. But, I probably won't be nice enough to share my finds :)

Please imagine that I look cuter in this picture. Thanks :)


  1. how fun!! i bought von a metal detector last year for fathers day :-) we searched our yard and after von dug like a 2 X 2 giant hole in the middle of the yard, he found a broken piece of metal wire ;-/ haha
    im excited to use it sometime at like a beach or something. I told von i want to go to one of those crazy old cemetaries and use it there but he thinks that is creepy and probably illegal, oh well :-) i got a really great deal on ours because i called up a company that rents construction equipment, and they sold me a used one. maybe look into that when you are looking :-)

  2. That is awesome!!! Seriously, super nice of him to share that with you!
