Sunday, April 10, 2011


I haven't mentioned it here, but in August we will be welcoming girl number two into our family. I was, not so secretly, hoping it would be another girl. Maybe it is because we just had the foster boys and I need some more girliness to equal that out, but mainly I just want Addisen to have a sister. We are a little girl strong in our family. The niece and nephew count will be 6 to 2 when this little girly arrives.

She will be such a great sister, and I am sure a "mini mommy." Every once in a while she will pat my growing stomach and say/sing "My baby is getting bigger." She will carry around the baby's ultrasound pictures, and even asked me the other day if I could just burp the baby out already. She has been very interested in hearing about when she was born. One day she was telling ME about when she was born, and she "ripped my stomach open and came out". I think I won't worry too much about explaining what really happens when a baby is born :) Probably because I want to forget about what is going to have to happen myself. It has been fun reminiscing about having Addie. Yesterday I found our old phones and downloaded about 200 pictures from when she was born, and the next few months. Hopefully this time around we won't have to experience the NICU again.

Addie's suggestions for baby names started with "Grandpa Monte", "Baby Mason" (our foster boy's name), and "Poke-a-mocha baby". I think those are better than the names she has given her baby dolls though..."Mhata Mmm", and "Bhata Mmm". I'm excited to see what this little girl's personality will be like, and how she will change our family. Tomorrow is my "half way day" (20 weeks) Wahoo!

My older sister says she prayed me here. When I was younger and would be upset, she would yell at me that it was her fault that I was even here, so if I was going to be mad that I should be mad at her. There are 5 years in between us, and I love looking at pictures from when we were little. I don't have them on my computer, but there is one of us standing next to each other holding our "Reflections" paintings for school. Kambree, sporting a side ponytail, is holding her painting of a waterfall and beach. Next to her I am standing, also sporting a side ponytail, holding a first grader's version of an exact replica of her painting. It is funny to see and remember how much I wanted to be like her. I must have not been sisterly enough, because 7 years later we were blessed with another sister. No one has owned up to praying her here, but I am so glad to have them both...and my wonderful sister-in-laws. I am so excited that my girls will each have a sister.


  1. Congratulations!!!! I am so excited for you! That is so awesome!

  2. YEA!!!!!!!!! I'm SO happy for you!!! SOOO fun having another...a little harder, being that you have to make sure the older one doesn't kill the younger love, even in a loving way ;)

    Wish we were closer to see the newbie when she comes!!! CONGRATS!

  3. Shelese...some blessings come without being prayed for ;)
    Seriously love ya seester!

  4. Congratulations! Thats really exciting :)

  5. Congratulations to you guys! Girls are so fun- aren't they?!

  6.'re so sweet! We need to find that picture. LOVE YA!
